Agent Marketing Syndicate

Ryan Sloper has the perfect entry-point to become a full-time real estate investor in 30 days. It’s a brand new approach. And the demand for it is soaring. Even better, you could be cashing your first check within two weeks’ time. Ryan Sloper has a business partner named Ryan Fletcher. Together, they’re doing a live class to teach you this—how to become an Asset Control Specialist, like them. But what exactly is that? And what would you be doing? Read on for my review.

“I run all the marketing components of our business,” Ryan Fletcher says. “Slope handles all the investing components of our business. But we’re running a 30-day class together. So all the investment advice about how to identify properties, the criteria, the way to evaluate them, which properties you should pursue—all that’s gonna come from Sloper. That’s his area of expertise. Anything that has to do with marketing, copywriting, direct response marketing, will come from me.”

“And so when it comes to real estate, there are really only three pieces to this puzzle,” Fletcher continues. “Whether it’s me telling you this, Ryan Sloper telling you this, or any other real estate person out there? There’s somebody who wants to buy and there’s somebody who wants to sell, and then of course there’s the asset. He who controls the asset wins. And this is why we focus on being Asset Control Specialists versus anything else. If we control the asset, we win. Period.”

How the class works? Over the next month, Ryan Sloper will be sending you an email a day. It’ll have a link in it to a short video, showing you, over the shoulder, exactly what you need to be doing. You’ll see Sloper’s screen, as he types, clicks, searches, scrolls. As he evaluates the properties. Same as he’s done for the past eight, nine years, leading to now more than 180 different projects and counting. In fact, he and Fletcher have eight projects they’re working on now, which should net them about $350k in total.

Ryan Fletcher

“What we’re gonna be focusing on in this 30 days,” Fletcher explains, “is really geared towards speed. Like, you’re not gonna do a full fix and flip if you’re short on cash. You’re not going to acquire properties. Instead, we are going to control them and then we are going to look at two different exit strategies, both of which can be done in under 30 days. But this 30 days is really about building the solid foundation of your real estate investing business so that you can build a stepping stone to become a full-time investor.”

“Right? That’s the key,” he continues. “We all know that freedom is when you can go full-time at this. That’s what allows us to live the life that we do, and have the fun that we have, and of course be able to help the people that we help. Again, you’ll be looking over Ryan Sloper’s shoulder so that you can do what he does on the day that he does it. And then in weeks two and three, we’re gonna build out marketing funnels so that we can control both sides of the two-sided market; and then, when we control the asset, we can now play matchmaker.”

And that’s when you get paid, after a successful match is made. Hmm. Sooo, virtual wholesaling? Sounds like you’ll be running Facebook ads, offering to buy houses from people in a pinch (facing foreclosure, bankruptcy, tax defaults, etc.). Then I’m guessing you’ll negotiate a selling price with anyone who responds, then run another ad to find a buyer. You’ll have them pay a little more, pocket the difference, and repeat. Cost for the training is $100. The Ryan’s admit, though, they do have more to sell ya once this program gets you results.