Bill With Daymond John

Bill Allen is a lot of things. Husband, father, pilot, real estate investor, the creator of 7 Figure Flipping and Blackjack RE, host of the 7FF Podcast, mentor, and now author of a book called 7 Figure Flipping Underground. What I’m wondering: is this a real book or like a PDF document full of fluff to bait you into his ascension funnel? I mean, it’s a free + shipping offer, so I’m guessing it’s the latter. But let’s find out. Read on for my down and dirty review.

The promise of the book: learn to make money wholesaling and flipping houses without risking your life savings or working weekends. Bill will guide you, turn by turn, to your desired deal-making destination. Find off-market properties, analyze them safely, negotiate lower prices, get funding, hack the renovation process, sell for warm, buttery profits. Rinse and repeat. Achieve the income and freedom you’re after. Bill’s done it. So have hundreds of his students. Why not you? Why not start with this book?

“Are you having trouble taking your business from part-time to full-time?” Bill asks in a short video on “Are you having trouble in just getting started? You know you should be doing deals, but you’re just spinning your wheels? Are you having trouble marketing, finding deals, raising money? Are you having trouble figuring out how to fix up these houses to maximize your profit? How do you run your numbers? Are you having trouble right now adjusting to this crazy market?”

“I started flipping houses in 2014,” Biggity Bill continues. “Back then, I was barely doing one house a year. But since 2016 on, I’ve done over 750 flips and wholesale deals. All of my experience is right here in this book. I had to learn the hard way so you don’t. This book has all of the answers you’re looking for. It can help you get from where you are to where you want to go. It’s the underground playbook that we all use inside of my 7 Figure Flipping program to grow and scale our business.”

Bill Allen REI

“With this book,” Bill adds, “you’ll do more deals and keep more profit. One idea from this book can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars. And there are tons of lessons in here; years of experience from me and a few of my friends that have been doing this and learning the hard way so you don’t have to. Right now, you have the opportunity to launch or grow your real estate investing business for free. This is a limited-time offer [sure, Bill, we believe ya] that I’m giving this book away to ya for free.”

So yeah, it’s “free” but you’d have to pay $7.95 for shipping and handling. And if I was a betting woman, there’s gonna be courses and coaching and events sold to you after that. I did see something about the book being an “unedited, advance copy.” Which I’m worried is code for, Yeah, we just threw together some tips and best practices, and we’re kinda hoping no one really reads it. Nonetheless, if you buy, you get some other goodies too. A digital handbook, an off-market deals starter pack, done-for-you documents, stuff like that.

Some “gems” that are apparently inside the book: on page 61, you’ll discover eight mistakes house flippers make; on page 143, Bill reveals seven things you absolutely must bring to every seller appointment; on page 173, you’ll find three funding sources you can use to cover all the costs of your deals, without using your own cash or taking out bank loans; then, on page 224, how Bill’s library card almost lost him $600k and how this affects you. Meh. Too Russell Brunson-y for me. Besides, if I’m gonna read a book, I wanna know the author poured their heart and soul into it.