Learning With AJ

Can you earn a predictable six- or even seven-figures from your author business? With his help, A.J. Juliani believes you can. He’s written eight books now; seven have been bestsellers. He’s tried self-publishing, using a boutique publisher, a traditional publisher, he raised money on Kickstarter for one of his books, he’s coauthored one or two; you name it, he’s done it. And here’s what he’s figured out about turning books into big business.

Whenever A.J. would launch a book, he’d get some royalties right away, then, depending on how the book did over time, sure, he’d have more trickling in, but nothing life-changing. The real money came from leveraging the books to land speaking gigs. Now. Don’t get him wrong, giving keynotes all over the country pays pretty well and it’s fun and rewarding and you get to meet all kinds of different people, but it’s also exhausting. It takes away from your family time. And, let’s be real, how scalable is it?

Plus, it’s only a matter of time before your book loses steam and these requests start to dry up. Now what? Go spend another year, unpaid, writing the next one? That’s what A.J. did for a number of years before wising up and creating an online program to help his readers actually implement the ideas in his books. In the first two weeks of going live, he made $50,000. More than he’d made in any of his book launches up until that point. And it was scalable. Build it once, sell it to unlimited people, right?

That led to A.J.’s Adaptable Learning company, where he now helps other authors and experts (even entire schools and organizations) create their own courses and coaching programs. In 2021, it made the Inc. 5000 list. “Something I never imagined would happen,” A.J. said. “Their business grew, my business grew, and it was a win-win for everyone. But after working with so many different people and trying so many different things, we really developed a solution that works incredibly well for authors.”

Adaptable Curriculum

The basic pipeline A.J. recommends you use is to create long-form YouTube content, chop it up and repurpose it wherever else ya like, and drive everyone to a landing page where they opt-in to your email list (plus or minus adding ’em to a free Facebook Group) in exchange for a training video you give them. Now you can follow up with them, push them to a sales call, and enroll them into your high-ticket course or mentorship or mastermind or whatever it is. Once it’s proven, you can dial it up with paid ads.

If you have nothing created yet, no worries, A.J. can assist with this. In fact, it’s almost better. Because most people think they need a low-ticket product, a course for like $997 and then hourly consulting or something like that. Just no. You wanna take everything and put it into one scalable offer. Usually that’s a mix of video tutorials, a private Facebook Group, live weekly Q&A calls, collab opportunities, and maybe some special guests you bring in and interview once in a while. But that’s it. Everything goes into this one program.

“So that’s what Author Machine’s all about,” A.J. said. “We help authors build a $100k per month business that helps people solve problems. That’s our flagship program. Then, for anyone doing over $30k per month consistently, we have an Author Partners program, where we team up with you to scale past the six-figure-a-month mark even faster. We know it works. It’s worked for me, it’s worked for other members.” What’s it gonna cost? A.J. doesn’t say; you’ll have to book a call to find out.