Billy Lewis Howes

Billy Gene’s back with another ad, another offer. He stuffs some hundreds into a money counter and says, “Thirty-two. Thirty-two hundred bucks is how much the average American takes home. And watch how fast we spend it. You take your rent or mortgage, that’s $1,100. You take your car payment: another $400. Our health insurance: another $400. And that’s not including the $200 for the student loans, the $200 for the gas, the $200 for the electric, $100 for your phone.”

NEXT: Compare This To Give This A Shot

“What else?” Billy continues, throwing down hundreds for each of the bills, dramatizing how quickly that $3,200 gets eaten up each month. “Ya got internet, credit cards, car insurance, the water. Then all of a sudden you look at your account and you got a $200 balance. This is how 76% of Americans are living: paycheck to paycheck. Not even enough money to cover an emergency. What if something happened to your family or you get a flat tire or something? You don’t have enough.”

“And this isn’t including the fees of being a responsible adult. Like saving a few hundred dollars every single month. Or child care. Or home insurance or pet care or dental insurance. And God forbid you actually wanna have fun; instead of just surviving, you wanna live. And then all of a sudden, you wanna spend some money on a Spotify account, house cleaning, toys for your kids, a tanning salon, going to get your hair did, private school for your kids, Netflix, concerts, getting your makeup done.”

“Or going to the gym, hiring a therapist, buying life insurance, coffee, shoes, investing a little bit into crypto, NFTs, car maintenance, clothes, Uber, Lyft, vacation, Amazon—it’s not enough! It’s not enough. You can’t save your way to wealth. You have to play offense. You have to make more. So here’s my recommendation. You’re on social media. You clearly like it. Why not learn how to make a career out of it? I put together a short 9-minute video to show you how I make simple ads like this to sell stuff.”

Billy And Grant Cardone

Billy doesn’t care if you wanna do it as a side hustle or make it your main thing. Just check out the video at “Please,” Billy begs, “play more offense. Your family’s depending on it.” And with that, his YouTube ad comes to an end. You click over to one of Billy’s patented landing pages. Black background, baby blue text, asking you to cough up that email. As soon as you do, you’re taken to that 9-minute video he promised you. In it, he just shows you really quickly how to set up Facebook ads.

You can then take that skill set and monetize it by offering to do this for local businesses. Doesn’t have to be in your own city; don’t worry, you can do it from anywhere. No selling face to face. It’s all done online. And you can charge hundreds, even thousands of dollars a month, recurring, to set up and manage these quick and easy ads for brick and mortar businesses. The catch? Billy asks you to buy his 30 Days Of Geneius program. Cost is a one-time fee of $60 plus however many upsells after that.

What’s included? Every day for 30 days, you’ll get an email from Billy with a 5-minute video and some instructions. Watch, read, then execute the daily task. Repeat for a month. By the end of that month, you should be making some extra moolah running your own little ad agency. Billy’s got nearly 1,000 Google reviews for this product, with an overall average of 4.7 outta 5 stars. Still, if you’re unhappy with your purchase, you’ve got the entire 30 days to ask for a refund. Love it.

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