Tyson Talks Leads

Tyson Zahner went from photographer to MLMer to speaker slash trainer. In his latest ad, he asks what’s the best place to get high quality clients for your business. Is it Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or LinkedIn? “If you’re a coach, consultant, expert, agency owner—or if you’re anybody who helps people get results with your knowledge, your wisdom, your expertise—and you’re trying to find ideal clients online and actually get them to reach out to you and talk to you?”

NEXT: Here’s How To Do This Yourself

“Then the answer to this question will probably surprise you,” Tyson continues. “And I’ll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with Facebook, which is great news because that means that you’re not gonna have to direct message any strangers or chase people in groups or post organic content for hours a day. If you wanna know where you should go and the best marketing strategy you should be using right now to attract high-paying clients online really fast, I’ve got a simple 4-step funnel and unique traffic source for you.”

Which made Tyson here $74,000 in just 10 days. No challenges or launches or networking or spamming necessary. And no ascension funnel, where you start out with a $7 sale and then try to upsell everyone into oblivion. Not only is that outdated and complicated to build and annoying for people to go through, but it actually attracts dabblers and repels serious prospects who have real money to invest. So why not just make one high ticket offer that’s got everything someone needs to get results and charge $3- to $10k for it?

Contrary to what you might think, it’s not that hard to put together. A basic video course plus private Facebook group and a live weekly coaching call will suffice. And you can enroll almost unlimited people into this type of offer without spending any additional time on fulfillment—since the support is batched. And yeah, not everybody’s willing and able to throw down $5k for your mentorship, but that’s okay. At that price point, you only need a few sales a month and you’re out-earning most professionals.

Tyson With Wife

Here’s the formula for making it work: the hunger plus the means equals high quality prospect. Meaning, their desire is strong enough to want what you’re selling. And they’ve got the financial resources to be able to pay you what you’re asking. Those are the only folks you ever wanna get on the phone with. They exist in every single market, too, so don’t assume your niche won’t work for this. Makes sense, Tyson, so what’s this new type of funnel and mystery traffic source that’s gonna reel ’em in?

The funnel is just: landing page; collect their email; send ’em to a short video to watch; ask ’em to book a call; close ’em and get ’em into the training. That’s it. Which I wholeheartedly agree with, but I wouldn’t exactly call that new. That’s what most marketers have been doing for a year or two now. But I digress. As for traffic, Tyson suggests you go all-in on YouTube ads. It’s a great way to establish rapport; you’re taking people from a video ad to a short video presentation, so it’s congruent; and Facebook’s too ban-happy anyways.

To recap, it’s all about one offer, one funnel, one traffic source. Keep it simple, stupid. Want help applying all of this to your business? So you know exactly what to charge and how to serve people properly and target them on YouTube and create your streamlined marketing funnel? Then book a demo call with Tyson over at AttractSteadyClients.com. Cost? He doesn’t say, but I think it’s safe to assume it’s $5k or more based on his presentation. I definitely think it’s the right approach if you wanna go the guru route. But if not, see below.

TRENDING: A Much Simpler Business For You