This guy for Tru Pro Elites says, “If you’re an investor and your portfolio makes less than $5k in passive income every month, listen up. My company will help you set up and run an Amazon store that generates thousands of monthly passive income. Best of all, the entire process is done for you by us. Meaning that you spend less than 15 minutes a month on your investment. All you need to bring to the table is the investment to build and fund the store.”

NEXT: Now Compare This To Tru Pro Elites

“We put our money where our mouth is,” he continues. “So if you don’t hit at least $5,000 in monthly passive income within a year, we’ll work with you, for free, until you do. If that’s all you need to hear and you wanna talk to an advisor about setting it up for yourself, schedule a demo with us at so we can show you how it all works. Ninety-four percent of the time when you buy something on Amazon, someone other than Amazon is actually making the majority of the money.”

That’s because, he goes on to explain, Amazon typically doesn’t own the product. It’s usually just some random guy or gal, no different than you and me, who decided to create their own Amazon store and cash in on all that momentum Amazon’s already built. In that case, they take the lion’s share of the sale while Amazon just takes a sliver. What TruProElites is offering is a chance to have one of those stores for yourself, but without having to learn and do everything yourself. Because it’s definitely not easy.

“So you can pocket the passive income that grows every month without spending more than 15 minutes a month on it,” the bearded bro says. “You might be wondering, Why are you offering this? Why not just do it yourself? What’s the catch? The reality is we do do this for ourselves. As a matter of fact we have more than 10 stores running for ourselves across multiple marketplaces and platforms. However, we’ve grown so much that we’ve hit a bottleneck. And that bottleneck is called working capital.”

Anthony Wilson

The strapping young man you see above, by the way, is Anthony Wilson, from the ATL. He’s the cofounder of TruPro Elites LLC, apparently. But yeah, he and his partner have to buy every product they sell in bulk so they can get wholesale prices, right? They then list ’em on Amazon for a higher price and keep the difference. Now that their team’s so big, and they’ve got 10+ of their own stores, plus however many client stores, they basically need more money to keep everything going. Hence this DFY offer.

They want investors with deep pockets and plenty of patience to partner up with. “This way, we tap into working capital that you have,” the first dude explains, “and you get our proven system and process; plug and play. At the end of the month, we split the profit. And we can help you get 0% interest rate business credit cards to fund the majority of what you’ll need. So you’re essentially using other people’s money, for free, to generate passive income for yourself. It’s easier than you think to get this money and requires no collateral or lien.”

Plus, you’ll get so many rewards points it’s not even funny. And since you’ll be paying those cards off each month, you should be able to get approved for limit increases as often as once a quarter. And that helps you buy more inventory, which leads to more revenue, which leads to more profit, right? Expect to break even on the up-front investment by the end of year one; beyond that, your share of the monthly net profit is all upside. I’d personally never do it. A year’s a long time to wait. And what if your store gets shut down? Then what?

TRENDING: Not Passive But Pretty Darn Close