The Kingdom Model

Jonathan Khalil is the creator of Evergreen Agent. He can show ya how to close 24–48 deals every year using his so-called Kingdom Model. Why listen to him though? Jonathan says he got 150 new clients himself last year using this same method. He built a 7-figure business in two years. And his students closed more than $400 million in deals last year. And yes, this still works in low inventory markets as of today. Scroll down and read on for my review.

NEXT: Oh And Speaking Of Evergreen

“The Kingdom Model is turning reliable realtors into machines that are consistently attracting and signing ready, willing and able buyers and sellers,” Jonathan says. “And it’s not just lead generation. You’re not attracting completely cold leads who have no idea who you are. You’re actually getting ready, willing and able buyers and sellers who know your name already, like you and trust you, and want you to be their agent. With this model your biggest problem is gonna be managing all your clients.”

Don’t worry: no door knocking, cold calling, begging for referrals, running paid ads, or buying leads. It’s a simple step-by-step system anyone can use to become way more successful. Jonathan guarantees it. But if you don’t wanna work smarter and be more effective in real estate, hey, there’s the door. Still here? Great. Jonathan and his Evergreen Agent cofounder, Ethan Katz, say there’s four main reasons this’ll work for you. But you have to have all four or the whole thing breaks down.

Pillar No. 1 is superior positioning. It’s no secret that there’s an abundance of real estate agents in just about every major market. And so, if you’re just doing and saying the same things as everyone else, you’ll be seen as a commodity. This makes it difficult to get good clients and charge your full commission. Superior positioning solves this problem. People will get on a waiting list for a year and a half and pay $100k over MSRP to get a Ferrari but they’ll nickel and dime a dealership on a new Toyota, right?

Pillar No. 2 is organic attraction. The V8 that powers that Rari, if you will. And the goal is to magnetize the 3% of the market that’s ready to do a transaction right now, while building brand equity with the other 97% who’ll need an agent down the road. Not only will you make more money in the short-term, but you’ll protect against sales slumps later on. These first two pillars, together, form your client-getting machine. But why stop there? Because there’s still more we can do here.

Pillar No. 3 is pipeline management. This is about maximizing the average commission you earn for every lead you generate. Dollar per lead, or DPL, right? Say you get 1,000 leads this year. And by December 31st, you’ve done $300,000 in GCI. That’s $300 per lead, isn’t it? But what if you could bump that by 50%? Remember, 97% of people are not ready to do a deal today. With a more intentional, more thorough follow-up process, you can raise your conversion rate significantly.

The fourth and final pillar of the Kingdom Model? The Kingdom itself: your own client-getting Facebook group. An extension of organic attraction. And, when used right, this’ll ensure anyone who’s reaching out to you is vetted and primed and not gonna waste your time. Want Jonathan and Ethan to help you implement all of this into your business? Fill out an app and book a call at Couldn’t find anything about cost, but they seem super confident in what they’re doing.

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